The Five People You Meet in Heaven

The Five People You Meet in Heaven is my new favourite find, written by Mitch Albom for me it was an incredibly impactful book that provides many significant life lessons.
The story is about Eddie an elderly maintenance man on Ruby Pier. The plot details Eddie's death, his journey through heaven and the five people he meets that teach him different life lessons, that are crucial to providing him with peace. 
The screenplay for the movie was written by the author Mitch Albom. Due to Albom having a huge role to play in the adaptation of the book this meant that the story was kept really close to the book version.

In my personal opinion I think that the book has an advantage over the movie which is that the life lessons being taught are able to be more elaborate and effective with regards to the readers emotions. This is because of the impact literary techniques can have and the power words can hold.

Not only this but a lot of the time a message of the film can be lost in the production, for me personally the downfall of the film is that the movie didn’t have access to the special effects that other movies have today and thus was not great imagery wise.  In comparison, it was my imagination that could create the setting of each of Eddies encounters and thus, was not affected by the input of others. 

Therefore, although the movie adaptation remains close to the book, I would 100% recommend the book instead, as it provides an excellent account of the impact people can have in your life and the impact you can have in theirs.

Quote from the book: "holding onto anger is poisonous. You may think anger will act as a weapon towards others, but it only hurts yourself"


  1. Wow really good point

  2. Absolutely loved this book, thought provoking and interesting


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